Monday 9 November 2009

The First Men in the Moon... Environment 2 Concept Art

Writing to come... just developing some of my sketches in the digital painting stage...


  1. Interim Online Review - Unit 2 : Space 10/11/09

    Hi Ethan,

    It's clear that you've upped the ante regarding your involvement with the blog; I'm liking the comprehensive approach; however, there is still an aspect missing from your work - and it's the same aspect that was largely missing from your previous submission and I urge you to address it. The brief asks you, as part of the blog, to evidence research into the source material - when it was written, its themes and meanings etc., its various adaptations etc; this isn't simply to make work for you, but rather to ensure that your approach to designing for the book is literate - that you are very aware of the world you're working in. I see that you're beginning to design the machines themselves - this is good - but from where are you deriving the justification and rationale for the designs of the machines? For instance, the selenites are insect-like - wouldn't their form, their physicality have a bearing on the shape and manufacture of their technologies? Wouldn't the machinery derive from their culture? This is the argument for 'extended logic' and it's true of most production designers - they have to identify a set of rules by which to begin their design process - the do's and don'ts. So, Ethan, what is your rationale for the design of these environments? Where is your wider research into the hives of insects, for instance? (Aliens would be a good place to start, perhaps?). And - as importantly, what kind of science fiction are you making? Alien gets its reputation from the fact that it is not pulp - it is 'real world', with realistic characters in a realistic workplace; but if you check out the film version of The First Men in the Moon, you'll see that it's much 'lighter' in tone - much more of a boy's own adventure.

    So - yes, you're creative development is being archived, but your rationate - your design ideas - are not yet being articulated. I think there's a more general point to be made here - and to do so, I'm going to quote something you wrote in an earlier post;

    "I prefer to watch and admire great films insted of reading into them, becaause i feel it starts to ruin the effect of a film..."

    This, Ethan, is a nonsense of a statement and position you cannot maintain; it is now your principle responsibility to be able to 'read' into narratives and their construction; if you ever want to make your own work succeed, you've got to engage with culture/images/stories/ideas at this most basic level; let me be very clear for you; all narratives are constructed; they are based on ideas; those ideas drive and propel narratives into the popular consciousness; why is it, do you think, that Alien is so popular - even now? Is it because it is about a monster loose on a spaceship (there have been loads of similar movies before and since), or is it because it is meaningful?


    Meanwhile, please see second comment for general advice re. the written assignment

  2. Hey, cheers for the feedback Phil i will edfinitely take everything into consideration. I see where you're coming from in terms of narrative and i understand the importance of it within the film world. it isn't neccessarily that i don't lok into the deeper meanings, i was just saying that sometimes i people look into things a lot deeper than i do, for instance the whole vagina dentata theory. Sometimes i admire film more from its surface than what lies beneath but i will always understand the meaning and point behind the narrative.
