Sunday 8 November 2009

The First Men in the Moon... Environment 2 Thumbnails... The Cavern

This environment was part of the same text as the first one. But i picked out these two environments from the first text, but although they are different, they are very similar, so i stuck with the influence of The Lord of the Rings like in the first one. As you can see i have pretty much developed from the sketches in the first environment to produce this set of images, following the parts i felt worked well in the first environment. I was trying to make the cavern look big for this environment, and i think i achieved this, but i'm not too sure how i want it t ook based on the description in the book. i'm finding it quite hard to picture how this one should look, but i find there are good and bad parts to each image, that may create a good compositional image when combined. i will look into this during the digital painting. I will also have to choose which environmrnt i prefer between this and first because i will have four environment ideas overall and Phil only wants three. At the moment i prefer the first idea, but it may be that i decide to combine the best parts from each in the end to create one really good image. Looking at the sketches, i think they would work well if combined, as the layers would work well compostionally. I'm looking forward to taking these sketches into Photoshop and working on the perspective, digital painting and colours and tones during the digital painting.

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